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Hi, I'm John!

For 14 years, I've helped businesses of all sizes sell courses, coaching, digital downloads, memberships, software, events, summits, and professional services.

I first started using Kajabi back in 2010. I was really impressed, but I still needed a variety of tools to accomplish everything I wanted. As the years went on, I experimented with all the major platforms for my projects, and client launches.

In 2019, I noticed more and more of my clients using Kajabi. And I could see why. The Kajabi team was really expanding their feature set and becoming a true all-in-one platform.

It was super easy to use, and provided a lot of flexibility on what could be designed with their page builder.

I found myself really enjoying working inside of Kajabi, and not wanting to use any other platform. So, I made the decision to specialize and only work with clients who use Kajabi.


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Coaches & Courses

The fast and easy way to build your online course,
coaching, or membership business with Kajabi.

Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Coaches & Courses

The fast and easy way to build your online course, coaching, or membership business with Kajabi.

Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.